All about pubs on the Isle of Wight

newport Pubs

Bargemans Rest
Calverts Hotel
Castle Inn
George Inn
Hong Kong Express
Medina Quay
MedinaRailway Tavern
Newport Ale House
Prince of Wales
Princess Royal
Robin Hood
St Georges Park
Wheatsheaf Hotel
William Coppins
Wrens Nest


Ancient market town and the Island capital. Newport has become the fastest-growing Island town in all respects except pubs, where successive ravages by Whitbread have denuded the town of many of its finest hostelries. Whitbread's contempt for local tradition was most evident when the axe was wielded over the town's most venerable hotel and best-known pub, the 200-year-old Bugle; it is now a branch of Mothercare. No doubt others would have followed but for the fact that the Beer Orders led to Whitbread offloading several local pubs to the then-extant Gales and Ushers, which provided welcome variety in the few pubs left open.

Newport is rich in history and contains many fine old buildings such as the almshouses in Crocker Street, the Roman Villa in Avondale Road, Gods Providence House in St Thomas' Square, the old King James VI Grammar School, now a youth club, in Lower St James Street, the old Nursing Association with its 'Blue Jenny' statue in Crocker Street and the 17th Century Castle Inn at the top of the High Street. Church Litten park contains the grave of Valentine Dyall, a chimney boy whose death at the hands of a cruel master led to the outlawing of that despicable trade.

When visiting Newport by car, remember that the town is saturated with traffic lights, which can be found almost everywhere except where they're needed. The daftest system is on the infamous Coppins Bridge roundabout, the busiest road junction on the Island, which frequently has motorists at screaming pitch.
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